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Digital Health & Health technologies

 JR Analytics plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between healthcare and digital and health technology companies ensuring a smooth implementation process.



With our expertise in data analysis and healthcare workflows, we can effectively communicate the needs and requirements of both teams, ensuring that the digital solution or the health technology solution  aligns with the healthcare provider's goals and workflows.

Medical Applications & Solutions

JR Analytics offers various services, including evaluating medical devices and applications for Intensive Care Units (ICUs). We understand the importance of effective and efficient care in these critical settings and work closely with medical professionals to identify the best solutions for their patients.


We also specialise in setting up operational and functional intensive care units and pre-hospital care, providing guidance and support. Our team has extensive experience in ICU management and can provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each facility.

mobile phones with different apps
image of multiple words such as education, leadership , ambition arranged in a compact way.

Education & Training

 JR Analytics Medical & Health eLearning is the one-stop eLearning platform that provides a comprehensive eLearning platform that caters to diverse medical topics, providing valuable insights and knowledge to learners.

 Additionally, we provide access to general information, educational tools, and audits to assist in understanding various procedures carried out in pre-hospital and intensive care settings.

ICU360Connect is an online hub for dedicated ICU professionals, this platform offers comprehensive audit tools and patient resources.


Critical Care & Prehospital Care Set Up

JR Analytics offers various services, including evaluating medical devices and applications for Intensive Care Units (ICUs). We understand the importance of effective and efficient care in these critical settings and work closely with medical professionals to identify the best solutions for their patients.


We also specialise in setting up operational and functional intensive care units and pre-hospital care, providing guidance and support. Our team has extensive experience in ICU management and can provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each facility.

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